Emily: FGMs have changed my life by helping me better manage my diabetes.


I have Type 2 diabetes. My story begins in 2013 when I was 19 and in my second year of university. I started displaying all the signs of diabetes but my doctor misdiagnosed me with low iron. Flash forward to 2016 - I got a really bad infection and pushed my doctor do to a blood test. My HbA1c was 106! I managed to completely alter my diet and exercise and with the help of metformin, get my HbA1c down to 55 in three months (awesome right).

Last year, I had a climbing HbA1c and my GP wanted to put me on insulin. I worked hard with a lifestyle doctor and we managed to get my sugars under control with the help of my Libre FreeStyle (FGM). My body reacts poorly to stress, causing hypers and hypos, we found that I was having lots of lows at night. I would not have been able to work with my body if I didn't use a FGM.

My HbA1c is now in the 50s again, lost 10kg and for the first time since 2013, all my blood work has been normal (yay!). FGMs have changed my life by helping me better manage my diabetes.
Due to the expense of FGMs I use them now sporadically to keep an eye on my lifestyle and make adjustments as needed. I couldn’t have made the changes I have without the use of FGMs.