Work with us
Current employment Vacancies
There are currently no employment vacancies at Diabetes New Zealand.
Current voluntary roles
Volunteer: Diabetes New Zealand Lived Experience Forum members - Nationwide (online)
Diabetes New Zealand is seeking a group of people to join our newly established ‘The Diabetes New Zealand Lived Experience Forum’.
The Forum will consist of 10 individuals who are living with diabetes who wish to help inform our work and to help shape change at multiple levels:
Individual and whānau
Service delivery
Policy development
Planning and governance
If you are aged over 20, have the energy and commitment to work collaboratively with others; have a willingness to share yours (and others’) perspectives and experience and have a great attitude. Then this could be for you.
The Forum will meet quarterly by virtual meetings | hui for not more than two hours per hui.
If this sounds like something you want to be part of, please complete the online application form.
As part of the recruitment selection process, you are welcome to share an up-to-date CV and cover letter, outlining your previous experience and motivation to be part of our Forum.
Diabetes New Zealand is committed to Te Tiriti o Waitangi. We encourage diversity of applicants to reflect geography and ethnicity of Aotearoa.
This is a lived experience (consumer) forum and does not offer paid employment. Any reasonable expenses incurred in order to undertake this work will be considered by Diabetes New Zealand with prior approval. The meetings will be held virtually.
The Terms of Reference can be located here.
The Expression of Interest application form is an online Google Form. You do not need a Google account to access it.
You’ll find the 2023-2030 Diabetes NZ strategic plan on our website.
* We will contact you as soon as advertising for the Forum has finished.
Volunteer: Diabetes Support Group Coordinator - Tauranga
This role involves coordinating and facilitating support groups, organising morning tea, and engaging guest speakers. Support and training will be provided as necessary. The successful candidate will have a sound knowledge and understanding of diabetes – this may be through lived experience, or health care training. We provide information, education and support to people and whanau living with diabetes.
Regular - more than 6 months
Time required
3-4 hours per month
Travel costs may be reimbursed by arrangement on an individual basis
Covid-19 vaccination
NZ Police Vetting