We have pulled together some information to help you live your fullest and best life – don't let diabetes stand in your way!

The Take Control Toolkit

If you're looking for a better way to introduce more movement, eat better, improve your wellbeing and manage your health, check out our collection of free resources and get active in a way that suits you and your lifestyle.

With around 60 downloadable resources, from reading food labels to foot care, this valuable information resource is available FREE online. They’re also available, updated, in our new app! - see below.

Food and Nutrition
Physical Activity

App: My Diabetes Journey

My Diabetes Journey is a place to keep track of daily exercise, food intake, emotional wellbeing, and any changes to your health to discuss with your doctor or diabetes nurse. It even includes the option to upload photos of changes to your feet!

It features about 60 resources from the Take Control Toolkit. These have been updated and sit alongside recipes, nutritional information and tips, inspiration to help you get moving, and resources to manage your mental health.

Download now on App Store or Google Play.

Downloadable the cycle of care guide here.


Type 1 diabetes day-to-day management

Type 1 diabetes is managed with: Insulin replacement through lifelong insulin injections or use of an insulin pump. Monitoring of blood glucose levels regularly (up to 6 times every day or as directed by a doctor or Credentialled Diabetes Educator) Following a healthy diet and eating plan.

Type 2 diabetes day-to-day management

If you have Type 2 diabetes then the daily activities that make up your 'diabetes management' will largely depend on your own individual circumstances. You may need to consider some lifestyle changes; how you fit these into your daily life will have a large bearing on the overall success of your diabetes treatment.

Managing diabetes

Diabetes management can refer to dealing with short term events such as high and low blood sugar to controlling it over the long term such as by getting to grips with understanding the condition.


Food and nutrition

Healthy eating is an essential part of managing both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The following facts about food and healthy eating will help you understand the requirements of a healthy food plan to maintain the balance required between food, physical activity and insulin or medication, depending on the type of diabetes you have been diagnosed with.

Annual diabetes check up

It is important for all people with diabetes to get an annual check up with your doctor or specialist (your doctor or specialist may recommend you have more regular check ups).

Some of the things that may be checked at your check up along with goal levels are listed here.

Information for immigrants and visitors to New Zealand

If you are thinking of emigrating to New Zealand you will have to supply medical details of your state of health. Your details will be assessed by a consultant physician based in New Zealand before you are considered for residency.