It is important for all people with diabetes to get an annual check up with your doctor or specialist (your doctor or specialist may recommend you have more regular check ups).
Some of the things that may be checked at your check up along with goal levels are below.
It’s important to note that all targets should be individualised as appropriate for each person, but in general the following targets are recommended:
Blood Pressure (goal ≤ 130/80)
HBA1c (goal ≤ 55 mmol/mol)
Total Cholesterol (goal ≤ 4)
HDL Cholesterol (goal ≥ 1)
LDL Cholesterol (goal < 2 )
Triglycerides (goal < 1.7 )
Microalbuminuria (ratio < 3 )
Date of last eye examination (at least every 2 years)
Foot check, sensation and pulses
Downloadable the cycle of care guide here.