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Du-Handré Blignaut: It makes life better for not just me but for those looking after me.

(Written with support of parents; abridged)

I am five years old and was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when I was two. My pancreas doesn’t work, so I go high when I don't get enough insulin and I go low if I have too much. Going low scares me. I am so scared of dying.

I used to get finger pricks multiple times a day to check my blood glucose levels - more than I can count.

Since my parents got me a Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) it is a lot better because I can see when I am going low, and the sensor tells my insulin pump to stop my insulin supply. I can sleep through the night and not wake up to get a snack to treat the low. My parents also get a better night's sleep because the pump alerts them when I’m going low. Without the alert they have to wake up every hour in case I am going low and need assistance.

The CGM has changed my life. Not only does it mean I can live as a normal kid but it also saves my life every second of every day. Without it, I have ended up being as low as 1.6 without my parents knowing and I just fell to the ground trying to get a juice - I could have fallen asleep and never woken up again. Wearing the glucose monitor helps my mom, dad, teacher aide, family and me to manage my glucose levels.

I would love if this device can be funded for other people just like me so that they could also enjoy a life full of possibility and less worry. It is expensive and not everyone can afford it. My parents work, work and work to be able to purchase these for me. It makes life better for not just me but for those looking after me.