Diabetes New Zealand Annual Conference & 56th Annual General Meeting November 2018
Save the date for this year’s Diabetes New Zealand's AGM and Conference, Saturday 17 November 2018.
To be held at the Brentwood Hotel, Kemp Street, Kilbirnie, Wellington.
Conference includes guest speakers:
Sir Eion Edgar
Sir Eion is patron of Diabetes NZ. Sir Eion is Chairman of Forsyth Barr, and has an enviable career with former positions including Chancellor of the University of Otago, Chairman of the New Zealand Stock Exchange and President of the New Zealand Olympic Committee.
Dr Lance O'Sullivan
An accomplished author, national and international speaker, role model and disruptive leader and innovator. From a young boy labeled by society as a trouble maker, Lance developed into a passionate advocate for Māori health. He is a pioneer for equal health care in his community and a champion for creating a fairer New Zealand.
In June 2012 Lance made the headlines when he left his former employer after a difference in patient philosophy - he believed in treating patients regardless of whether or not they could afford treatment. He left disillusioned with a system that failed to deliver the care needed for his patients and vowed to change the system for the better.
Lance founded The MOKO Foundation, inspired by the opportunities that he himself had experienced in life, which allowed him to grow and develop into a well-educated, well-rounded, family man and community leader.
Today, as the Chair of The MOKO Foundation, Lance is truly passionate about and devoted to connecting people with opportunities for a better Aotearoa New Zealand.
Conference Registration Form
Please complete the form below for registration or download a copy here
Please note the deadline for registration is Wednesday 7th November 2018
Payment Methods
Please return payment to Diabetes New Zealand by either:
Cheque to Diabetes New Zealand, PO Box 12 441, Wellington 6144
Electronic banking to Diabetes New Zealand, Westpac 03 0584 0197985 00, with “CONFERENCE 2018” in the reference field, and your “Given name, Family name” in the particulars field.
Credit card, please contact Diabetes New Zealand on 04 499 7145 or 0800 342 238 or marsham@diabetes.org.nz
** The hotel has limited rooms available and you can book direct with them. Please complete the booking form here and return to the reservations team. Call free on 0508 273 689 or email reservations@brentwoodhotel.co.nz.