Athena: The real gold


For six weeks, Celebrity Treasure Island contestant Athena Angelou raised awareness of diabetes, while entertaining viewers with her energy and warmth.

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When Athena Angelou chose Diabetes NZ as her charity for the popular reality show, she did it for her mother. The Flava host says, “It’s no secret that Mum and me love our sugars. But reality struck when Mum went to the doctor a few years back and was told that if she didn’t make changes to her habits, she could end up diabetic.

“When you’re hit with the thought of losing your mum, or her having to deal with something additional while she’s already suffering health complications, it makes you re-evaluate what really is important and worth the risk.”

Athena and her mother made changes together. “Health and fitness are important. I’ve struggled with weight my whole life by succumbing to unhealthy eating habits. Eventually, I came to the understanding that it’s not only what you ingest, but what you exert physically, and how you balance your mental and physical states.

“If you’re unable to mentally make a positive switch and be compelled by something meaningful to you, it’ll really always be an uphill battle.

“Sometimes it takes time to focus and internally coach yourself into a new frame of mind where you’re determined and able to transfer your thoughts into actions. But if you are willing to make it work, eventually you’ll change your habits.”

Athena’s mother is proud of her daughter and the challenges she’s overcome: “I’ve made her proud by showing her that no matter how hard things got, I was ready and able to channel her energy to work that much harder,” says Athena.

“Although she set huge expectations, I wouldn’t ask to go back and change a thing. I’ve kept faith and worked my ass off.”

The pride is mutual. Athena says of her mum, “She’s a queen. She’s worked so hard to be where she is today. She’s set a bar for who I wanted to be growing up as a female, and helped motivate me into being independent. I’ve always admired her determination and strong will. I’ve always thought that whatever she touched turned into gold


Athena’s Lemon-Herb Tenderloins & Salad

Serves 4

Athena’s favourite healthy meal pairs marinated grilled chicken with low-fat Greek salad, and serves it with warm wholemeal pita bread.

It’s quick, simple and perfect for summer.



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1 large or 2 small lemons
1½ tbsp olive oil
2 cloves crushed, grated or finely chopped garlic
1 tsp dried oregano or mixed herbs
½ tsp ground black pepper
750g chicken tenderloins (2–3 per person)
Handful of parsley, chopped

  • Grate the zest of the lemon into a bowl, then halve the lemon(s) and squeeze in the juice.

  • Add olive oil, garlic, herbs and black pepper, and whisk together.

This is your marinade.

  • Place the tenderloins in the bowl, and stir to coat in the marinade.

  • Leave covered for up to eight hours, stirring occasionally if you can.

  • (The longer you leave them the better, but even half an hour will be delicious.) When ready to cook, preheat your grill.

  • Throw the chicken on and cook for about four minutes on each side, or until cooked through.

  • Throw parsley over as garnish.

Greek Salad

30g feta cheese (choose reduced salt)
30g low-fat cottage cheese
Approx 250g cherry tomatoes, halved
1 cucumber, sliced into half-moons
½ cup kalamata olives, halved
½ red onion, thinly sliced


  • 1 tbsp red wine vinegar 1 tbsp olive oil Juice of half a lemon ½ tsp dried oregano Loosely mash together the feta and cottage cheese.

  • Set aside.

  • Toss the tomatoes, cucumber, olives and red onion together in a bowl.

  • Shake the dressing ingredients together in a jar, or whisk together.

  • Pour dressing over salad veges.

  • Crumble the feta and ricotta mix over the top.

  • Toss the salad gently.

 Putting it all together

  • Have the chicken marinating.

  • Prepare the salad.

  • Cook the tenderloins just before you’re ready to serve.

  • Serve them with wholemeal pita bread, either lightly toasted or wrapped in tinfoil and warmed in the oven.


  • Cook the tenderloins under the grill in your oven if you can’t throw them on the grill.

  • To tone down the raw red onion taste, soak the slices in water for around 10 minutes, then drain before you add to the salad.


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