Legacy FAQs

What are the types of gifts that I can leave? 

If you do decide to include Diabetes New Zealand in your Will, there are three types of gifts you can consider:  

• A ‘residuary gift’ is a share of what remains of your estate once your other wishes have been carried out.  

• A ‘pecuniary gift’ is a financial donation of a fixed amount.  

• A ‘specific gift’ is a possession or item such as jewellery, property, or shares.  

Many of our supporters choose to include a residual gift as this ensures your family and friends take priority. Even a small percentage of what remains can make a massive difference to our work. Also, unlike a pecuniary or specific gift, the value of a residual gift is less likely to diminish due to inflation. 

Please do speak with a lawyer about the best option for you to ensure your wishes are carried out.  

Why should I make a Will?  

Making a Will is the best way to let your wishes be known and is an opportunity to pass on your values. Dying without a Will – ‘intestate’ – can cause unnecessary distress to family and friends.  

How can I include Diabetes New Zealand in my Will? 

Before meeting your solicitor, decide what type of gift you would like to leave to Diabetes New Zealand, a ‘residuary gift,’ ‘pecuniary gift’ or a ‘special gift.’  You might want to draw up a top-line summary of your estate. You should also consider who you would like to act as your executor. They could be a close friend, a family member, or your solicitor. 


Can I write my own Will?  

Any errors in Wills can cause problems and make them invalid. That is why we strongly recommend that you use a qualified solicitor.  

What if I already have a Will?  

You can amend an existing Will to include Diabetes New Zealand very simply, by asking a solicitor to draw up a ‘codicil.’ This document is an addition, which modifies a part of your Will and expresses your latest wishes.  

What essential information do I need to give my solicitor?  

You’ll need to give your solicitor our registered charity number, CC11432, and our address, Diabetes New Zealand, PO Box 12441, Wellington 6144. You should also advise what type of gift you would like to leave. 

Suggested wording: “I give and bequeath (insert here % of your residuary estate, or a sum of money or a description of property or assets) to Diabetes New Zealand, PO Box 12441, Wellington 6144, registered charity number CC11432, to be used for where the need is greatest. A receipt given on behalf of Diabetes New Zealand will be a complete discharge to my trustees for the gift”.  

What if I have already made a gift in my Will to Diabetes New Zealand? 

Thank you! We greatly appreciate your support. Please consider contacting us to let us know you have made the gift. That way we can acknowledge your gift in your lifetime and discuss how you want your gift to shape your legacy.  

If you have any other questions, please get in touch with Anita Lee at anital@diabetes.org.nz or call us on 0800 342 238. We’d be happy to help answer any further questions you have.