Volunteering at Diabetes NZ Auckland


Volunteers are a valuable part of the Auckland.  Our volunteers work in the community delivering programmes and services for people at risk of, or those with diabetes, assisting at fundraising and community activities.  We are grateful to all those who volunteer for us. ​

  • Volunteer at Events / Activities

    Volunteers play an essential role in making the iconic fundraising events such as Auckland Marathon, Round the Bays and Diabetes Action Month Whanau Days great experiences. If you would like to assist at any of our events, please enquire for more details at office@diabetesauckland.org.nz

‘Prioritising time to volunteer is one of the most rewarding choices you can make. No one makes it through life without someone else’s help, and that help can be as small as throwing on some costume jewellery and cheering from the sideline! Always a pleasure supporting the Diabetes NZ kaupapa.
— Molly de la Cour Peters
  • Volunteer your skills

As a for-purpose organisation we often require specific skills which we cannot afford. If you have some spare time, want to volunteer, we would love for people who have: a great phone manner; analytical and database skills; Community Nurse skills; and digital skills. These may change from time to time so please contact us to find out more at office@diabetesauckland.org.nz.