
We Won’t Stop


April 2024 was a historic milestone for our diabetes community and for all those living with type 1 diabetes. Pharmac – Te Pātaka Whaioranga announced their proposal to provide full funded access to continuous glucose monitoring (CGMs), insulin pumps, and insulin pump consumables for all people living with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes NZ and the diabetes community have been actively advocating for many years for this vital technology to be funded.  We thank everyone who has been involved with this advocacy.

Pharmac is proposing to fund a range of devices for New Zealanders with type 1 diabetes.  For many of the 18,000 New Zealanders living with type 1 diabetes, having funded access to continuous glucose monitors (CGMs), insulin pumps, and automated insulin delivery (AID) systems would be life changing.

In May Pharmac announced a delay in their proposals around the funding of CGMs, insulin pumps and insulin consumables. We are so close to achieving this ultimate goal and remain committed to working with Pharmac while representing the diabetes community. 

We will not stop until CGMs are funded for all, so the advocacy will continue.

Read the proposal

Watch the Pharmac Information Session

Pharmac Q&A

Pharmac's updates and timelines


Advocacy Campaign 2023: We Won’t Stop

June 2023 marked two years since Diabetes NZ presented at a parliamentary select committee hearing to advocate for CGM funding. Over the past five years we have laid the groundwork for a final push that advocates strongly for the funding of CGMs.

Now is the time to make this a political issue New Zealanders care about.

We are kicking off the next stage with our campaign: We Won’t Stop

  • We Won’t Stop until all New Zealanders living with diabetes who are using insulin have access to the global standard of care, including funded CGMs to manage their diabetes and avoid complications.

Join us now!

Look out for the posts on social media and like, share and tag others in these – help to get the message out far and wide to have an impact. 

  • Update your profile picture on social media to show your support of the campaign.

  • Contact your local Member of Parliament.

  • Share your story.  What would funded CGMs mean to you and others living with diabetes?

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Change your profile pic to support the campaign.

Share a supporter tile and post to raise awareness!

Encourage others to #ShareTheirStories and #JoinTheCampaign!

Advocacy videos


Latest stories

Thank you to everyone who is joining us on our journey. Want to be part of that? Email your story to comms@diabetes.org.nz and help us make #CGMforall a reality.


Inspired by these stories and have one of your own to share? Email comms@diabetes.org.nz for more information.

Check out the #wewontstop campaign on our social - search #cgmforall and #diabetesnz!

#WEWONTSTOP until life-saving CGM’s are funded in Aotearoa.