Contact person: Lena Fendley, Youth Coordinator Midland Region
Phone Number: (07) 571 3422
Email: Tauranga@diabetes.org.nz
Address: 177a Fraser Street, Tauranga (Age Concern Building)
Lena Fendley. Youth Coordinator Midland Region
Lena is our Youth Coordinator supporting type 1 youth families from Tauranga, Eastern Bay of Plenty, Rotorua and Taupo. Lena joined Diabetes New Zealand in October 2019 when the Tauranga Diabetes Society merged with Diabetes New Zealand. Lena’s son was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when he was 8 years old, he is now 16. Lena runs youth events, including the family camps and provides support and information to parents. Lena has extensive knowledge of diabetes devices and holds a Bachelor of Community Health.
Diabetes NZ Tauranga Branch.
Office open Monday-Thursday 9.30–2.30pm (by appointment)
Drop-In Clinic Thursday 10am-12pm (no appointment necessary) for information, resources and support.
Support Groups:
Type 1 Adults Coffee Group. Second Friday of every month. 10am at The Atrium, 252 Otumoetai Road, Otumoetai.
Te Puke Diabetes Support Group. Wednesdays 10am-12pm. St Andrews Church Hall. Cnr Steward and Oxford St, Te Puke.
Mount Maunganui Diabetes Network Group. Wednesdays 10am-12pm. Arataki Community Centre, Zambuk Way, Mount Maunganui. The next meeting is 6 December with a guest speaker from Kidney Health.
Diabetes NZ Bay of Plenty and Lakes Youth Live Brave Mana Ora
We support families, children and teens living with type 1 diabetes.
We run regular youth, family and teen events and a yearly family camp. Our next family camp is in March 2024.
Our Youth Coordinator can provide non-clinical advice, information, and support to families with a newly diagnosed Type 1 diabetes child or adolescent and connect families living with type 1 diabetes. We are also able to connect you with babysitters or respite caregivers with type 1 diabetes experience, in some areas. Contact Lena for more information Tauranga@diabetes.org.nz
Go to Bay of Plenty and Lakes Youth Live Brave Mana Ora page.