Contact person: Noeline Wedlock & Paula Fryer
Phone Number: (03) 474 0240
Email: otago@diabetes.org.nz
Street Address: 135 Frederick Street, North Dunedin, 9016
Office hours: Monday to Friday, 10am - 2pm
Upcoming events
Wellness Clinic
Our Wellness Clinic is held on the second Tuesday of every month and we have appointments from 10.30am – 2pm. Call (03) 474 0240 to book a 30 minute free appointment. Come and talk to a health professional about your diabetes. We offer blood glucose tests, blood pressure checks as well as stocking a wide range of equipment, product and resources to help assist you on our diabetes journey. Phone 474 0240 for an appointment.
Diabetes NZ Otago sells various products to assist in self-managing Diabetes.
Our products include blood glucose meters, lancing devices, lancets, pump belts, frio wallets, dextro and glucose tabs, wipes and test strip.
Diabetes NZ Otago stocks an extensive range of brochures on both Type 1 & Type 2 diabetes.
Seminar Room
Diabetes Otago has a large seminar room with toilets and a kitchenette which can be hired out by community groups/organisations.
Podiatry Clinic
The Podiatry Clinic is held once a fortnight on a Thursday with appointment times from 8.30am to 5.00pm.
This service is done by a registered podiatrist for people living with diabetes, but general public are able to attend if spaces are available.
The cost of this clinic is $75 per visit. Call (03) 474 0240 to make a booking.
Summer Camp
Summer camp is held in mid-January each year at Bewrick Forest for children aged 8-12years of age. This camp is for a duration of 4 days where staff from Dunedin Adventures run all the camp activities, such as abseiling, kayaking, confidence course, night walks, rifle range, water slides plus much more.
Our camps are a little different from others run around the country where no parents attend.
The paediatric diabetes medical team attend the duration of camp to look after the children. This gives siblings and families a much-needed break from the day to day monitoring of the child living with diabetes.
Winter Camp
Winter camp is held in September each year for youth aged 13-18 years of age at Coronet Peak ski field, staying onsite in the Southland ski lodge. Camp is for 3 days doing skiing or snowboarding along with some fun activities in Queenstown. Camp is staffed by the same diabetes medical team who attend our summer camp and no parents attend either.
The camps that Diabetes Otago run have children and youth who attend from Oamaru, Central Otago, Southland, and Otago. Carer Support hours are used from each family along with a family contribution which helps pay for camp. Fundraising is also done throughout the year to help in keeping the costs down for families.
Email us for more information.