The Auckland Marathon Fundraising
We had a fabulous WET day at the Auckland marathon on October 30th. Lots of running, walking and even jumping in puddles and splashing as we each got to the finish line in our events.
Auckland Marathon 2022 - Duane, Marietta, Preston (T1) & Seron Stanley
We wore our new ‘Every Step for Diabetes’ shirts with pride to show all who we were. A highlight for many was going over the harbour bridge. Some people stopped for photos, while others ran as fast as they could as there was a race to see who could get up the fastest. There were a few stops along the course for sugar testing from our team, and after the race too as so much energy was used up! All our team finished happy and soggy, with a medal around their neck, proud to raise money for the youth in Auckland with diabetes. We are proud of our 2022 team that raised over $7,700.
Preston (T1) and his brother Seron left their parents Duane and Marietta, in the dust as they raced the 5km. Lucy (T1) had the biggest smile when she finished with her mum Maria. Zoey and Richard got photobombed by Batman after the finish line.
Si and Gabe teamed up to run as their daughter has T1. Si was our longer hauler doing the full marathon. Wife Gabe did the 21k, along with fellow mum of a T1 Katrina (who was inspired to raise money to help fund future Kelly Tarlton’s events).
Callem, a T1 himself, smashed out a half marathon in under 2 hours to raise money for our diabetes youth.
Lastly, Shantelle, Auckland Youth Coordinator, did the 11km with daughter Larissa (T1) and son Ashton (daughter Zoey did the 5km). The next day my son said that he was too sore to go to school, BUT he would be okay by the afternoon to walk trick-or-treating for Halloween.
Thanks so much to Vibe drinks for the sugar-free fruity refreshments after our events, and a cooler bag with these yummy sparkling waters and a few other goodies. Plus, our top two fundraisers are getting a Fitbit watch.
Drumroll please… our top fundraisers were Katrina with $2,510 and Larissa and family with $1,518.
HOWEVER, Katrina has generously stepped aside and said that the next person can have her Fitbit (isn’t our community cool!). But, Larissa and family are stepping aside too, as Larissa one won last year after raising over $2,300.
Therefore, our very deserving winners are Preston a year 8, whose family raised $1,191 and Callem a builder who took the time to train and raise $1,079. Congratulations guys!
So, who wants to join our awesome team for next year? It’s never to earlier to get fit and step for diabetes! Email for info.
Shantelle – Diabetes NZ Auckland Youth Coordinator