• Choose someone who is of a similar level of health, fitness
and ability – or you could be held back or pushed too hard,
which can lead to disappointment or injury.
• Your activity partner doesn’t have to be your husband, wife
or best friend, but you need to have an emotional tie and it
needs to be someone who you wouldn’t want to let down. If
you feel a level of responsibility or commitment towards your
activity partner you are more likely to follow through, even on
those days when you don’t feel like it.
• Choose someone who you trust. The last thing that either of
you want is your fitness failures becoming a social nightmare.
• Check time compatibility – make sure you choose an activity
partner who has times to exercise when you do. And make
sure that you both write your activity time in diaries, that way
other commitments won’t creep into your time together.
• Find someone who you can laugh with through the tough
times. It’s true what they say – laughter really is the greatest medicine.