Starting secondary school, high school or college is a new stage of life which can be exciting and bring new challenges. Spending some time planning with your diabetes team and your new school will help the transition go smoothly, so you can manage your diabetes well throughout your secondary school journey.

This resource gives you the information you need about how to put a plan in place to:

  • Monitor your blood glucose and administer insulin in your new school environment

  • Be prepared with emergency supplies

  • Handle a hypo in the classroom

  • Have a key individual who can support you to manage your diabetes care


Top tips for managing diabetes at secondary school:

  • Work with your school and diabetes team to decide the most appropriate plan for managing your diabetes

  • Always carry a blood glucose monitor

  • Keep a hypo kit at an accessible place at school

  • Wear your Diabetes ID at all times

  • Have a plan for managing Study & Exams.
