Healthy Plates


A key part of healthy food management is portion control. The Diabetes NZ Healthy Plate, supplied in sturdy cardboard for easy reference, uses both pictures and words to demonstrate healthy portion sizes.

Available in packs of 20. $23 PER PACK. English, Māori, Samoan, Tongan, Hindi, Punjabi, Chinese, Cook Island Māori.

Minimum order 1 pack of 20; maximum order a total of 18 packs of 20 (360 plates) in one order.

Healthy Plates ordering

To order Healthy Plates for your organisation please complete the order form below.

Diabetes NZ diabetes information pamphlets
Diabetes New Zealand stock a range of pamphlets and resources with information in several languages, to help people understand diabetes and to support people with diabetes throughout New Zealand.

Go to pamphlet ordering page


If you wish to order more Healthy Plates than our website allows, please contact us directly on or place your order and a member of our team will be in touch.

Please note that we will issue an invoice for postage and packaging following the dispatch of the pamphlets.
When making payment, please include your invoice number so we can process your order as quickly as possible.


Cost of shipping for Healthy Plates

$12.00 (1–4 packs)
$15.00 (5–18 packs)