Working to Strengthen and Connect - Diabetes NZ Auckland

The Diabetes NZ Auckland team are working to strengthen the connection between mobile testing, HOPE education for diabetes prevention, and diabetes self-management education programmes in the Auckland area.  They will be focusing on different areas across Auckland including southern, western, central, eastern, and northern suburbs of Auckland, to increase access to diabetes risk screening and testing in communities potentially most at risk.

Those identified as at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes, or with HbA1c results of 41-49 mmol/mol, will be offered direct referral to the HOPE team for lifestyle education to assist in the prevention and mitigation of type 2 diabetes. 

Those with HbA1c test results above 50mmol/ol or who identify that they have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes will be offered direct referral to our Diabetes Self-management Education Programme (DSME), and to health coaches for ongoing support.  The DSME programme is run with frequency throughout the year, by a Diabetes Community Coordinator, employed by DNZ in partnership with The Fono.

Woman participating in HOPE programme

The Diabetes Community Coordinator will also refer anyone identified as high risk or with pre-diabetes and directly to the HOPE Programme for lifestyle education and advice to assist in potential mitigation and better management.

West Auckland will be the focus for March, Central Auckland for April, East Auckland for May, and North Auckland in June.  South Auckland will continue to have a regular monthly mobile testing presence.   

There will be a follow up process to re-screen/offer re-screening to assess progress/outcomes of those who participate in the DSME or HOPE Programme to measure progress/outcomes.

If you’d like to find out more, get in touch with us.

Claire Meirelles