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Louise: I couldn't go back to the 'dark ages' of no CGM

I am a Kiwi with type 1, 33 years old, currently living in Norway for work (I am an associate professor in geology at a university in Tromsø). I received the government funded insulin pump here in Norway which is a Medtronic Minimed closed loop system.

The insulin pump communicates with my CGM to control my levels constantly. The technology is life-changing! It means I almost never go low, and I have been in the target HbA1c range for the first time in my life. It is crucial to me because I do a lot of mountain sports and I need to be able to rely on my body to keep going. I also sleep really well knowing the pump will wake me up if I go low.

The technology is completely free here, and I am waiting for a similar thing in New Zealand to become available before I move back home. I couldn't go back to the 'dark ages' of no CGM.

Thanks for your campaign, it means so much to me!