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Karla and Dylan's Story

My son Dylan was diagnosed with type one diabetes two months before his 8th birthday.

For years we struggled, finger pricks, sore injection sites, trouble managing diabetes and school, high levels a lot, concentration was nearly impossible in class, and he was really struggling to learn. It was "normal" for his bgl to be 20plus after school each day as he wouldn't do his insulin at school. No matter how hard we tried to manage things with school, teenage years very soon made it much harder, hormones and behavior got hard as Dylan didn't want to be different.

A year ago Dylan was given the opportunity to go on a closed loop pump and sensor trial.

The change in Dylan in the last year has been incredible. Now at 17 he has amazing levels all the time, manages himself completely and his hba1c has gone from 83mmol to 51mmol, and continues to get better every clinic visit.

Dylan finished high school with NCEA, and Student of the Year in his trades class doing mechanics.

Now we are saving to try and afford the sensors once the trial has ended, but we are looking at $480 for 5 week’s worth of sensors. It's going to be hard, but Dylan deserves to live his best life.

Sensors need to be funded, for all! Life-changing, life-saving, life giving!

- A grateful, hopeful type one mum.