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Ana: Opening up to help and heal

In writing about her twin journeys – with type 1 diabetes and kidney disease – Ana Hutchins inspires and encourages others, and releases some of the burden for herself.

Ana looks back to when she first decided to start sharing her story: ‘It all started when I was on maternity leave with my first child. I wasn’t used to the slower days – I needed a project. I have a love for words, and people were always captivated by my diagnosis story, so I thought, why not use this time to write a book about it?

‘That process was overwhelming, so I turned it into a blog. Writing shorter snippets of my story was more enjoyable.

‘That led me to Instagram, where I stumbled across the type 1 diabetes community. I knew right away that I’d found the perfect platform to share my story. Everyone in that community is so inviting. I love the interaction, and we all learn so much from each other. It’s such a positive space, where I’ve gained confidence in myself as a diabetic, a woman, and a mother, as well as the confidence to be able to openly and honestly share more and more of my life while navigating type 1. I’ve also made lifelong friends along the way – the biggest reward of it all.’

Read the rest of Ana’s story in the Winter 2022 issue of Diabetes Wellness, available to read online below:

Ana shares her stories here:

