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Pharmac announce new model MiniMed 770G insulin pump will be funded from 1 October 2021.

New model MiniMed 770G insulin pump will be funded from 1 October 2021.

People new to insulin pumps

From 1 October 2021, when first prescribed an insulin pump, a person can choose between the MiniMed 770G or the Tandem t:slim X2 pump. The Minimed 640G will be funded until 1 January 2022. 

Existing patients on insulin pumps

Existing patients can choose between the new MiniMed 770G or the currently funded Tandem t:slim X2 pump when their current insulin pump's warranty expires.

The consumables for the Minimed 640G and 770G are the same. 

Read more about the pumps

Pharmac funds these two insulin pumps for people who meet the funding criteria:

Note: Pharmac only funds one pump per person every 4 years. 

Who’s eligible for a funded insulin pump?

A specialist or nurse practitioner must apply for approval to prescribe a funded insulin pump. There are a range of funding criteria people need to meet. The criteria are listed in the Special Authority form. Your health care professional will know best if you meet the criteria for a funded insulin pump. 

Check the insulin pump listing in the Schedule for the Special Authority form

Go to Pharmac website